Thursday, 30 October 2008


Here's a render of the moving water. It's closer to the water colour pencils style that Luisa showed me in another film so I hope she likes this look.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

more paint using maya mental ray and particles

These animated water shots take a while to render so It'll take a while to render an animation. Looking better so far. I've textured it so that the more movement there is, the more white paint blobs appear where movement is, this helps ensure colours are always moving in most parts of the animation and that I really do capture the water style in 'The Old Man In The Sea'

Changing from 3D to 2D looking paint

Luisa/The Director liked the 3D water effects but mentioned that it needs to be closer to water colour. With hours of tweaking i've managed to change the 3D model to something that looks more hand drawn.

Water effects

I've been working using this tutorial on creating water It's worked but i'm realising that it's hard to create water that looks like painted water colours this way.

Here's my test render.

Thinking about the look of the water

The water is important here, Luisa showed me an animation showing simple 2D planes which were watercoloured, scanned in and animated against each other as 3 layers in opposite directions to create the classic cartoon 2D movement of water but with a professional feel of water colours.

The water in the film looked like (but much simplier) water from 'The Old Man And The Sea'.

I like the water effects in this film, it's amazing how the ocean looks as it's all hand painted.

As we're experimenting with possible water styles at the moment centered around water colours, it would be great to try and create a realistic water colour look using Maya and some scanned images.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Animatic Version 2

Here's the animatic, 2nd version

Animatic Version 2

Here's Animatic Version 2

First Animatic

Here's the first animatic for the project. Luisa did all the drawings, I simply added music and put it as a file. The character has changed and the storyboard but i'll put this here anyway to show progress.

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Clouds Animation

Here's a test render of my animated clouds. If you can't play it, try VLC Player... plays about anything:

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Creating Clouds

The film on creation needs to have good environments. Here's a render of some clouds. It took 6 minutes to render this single frame... and that's not even HD. I'm working on animating them now.

Monday, 20 October 2008

More Water

Here are some more related to the water effects. Each water surface I created was rendered using Maya Software, Maya Mental Ray and lastly Vue 6 Render.

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Fluid Water- Side

Same but from the side.

Creating Fluid Water

One of the first effects is going to be paint dropping on the floor and creating an ocean in a small space. Using a few scripts and glu3d i've come up with this, i'm aiming to keep the ocean fluid and look like a painting rather than a realistic 3d ocean.

New Blog

Here is the new blog for 3rd (and final) year of animaiton at Ravensbourne. I am working on 3 short film projects.